Local Weather

Local Weather

Geese in the snowGoose and gosslingschipmunkFall colors in snow, Pagosa Springs

The weather in Pagosa Springs, CO for the most part can be fairly mild. It is good to bring clothes that you can layer and be prepared for any type of weather. We can frost until June 15 and then it can start frosting again anytime after August 15.

July typically starts our monsoon season with afternoon showers. The evenings can be cool in July so you will want to bring something to put on if you want to enjoy your campfire and the evening air in our beautiful valley.

Average days of sunshine:
300 per year

Average precipitation:
20.21 inches/year

Annual snowfall:
For Bruce Spruce Ranch it is about 300 inches or so.

Average Monthly Temperatures

Month Average High Average Low
Jan 39 F 5 F
Feb 40 F 10 F
Mar 50 F 16 F
Apr 55 F 20 F
May 65 F 27 F
Jun 77 F 39 F
Jul 87 F 48 F
Aug 84 F 48 F
Sept 77 F 39 F
Oct 67 F 29 F
Nov 53 F 19 F
Dec 43 F 10 F



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